Transformation Integration

   Live a Life in Flow

 I can see the blindspots. I am intuitive and strategic. The ideas pour in when I get to know you and your deepest hearts desires...

 My flow comes from you discovering and following your own...let's go!

 Click to Download a FREE Wheel of Life Assessment.

Becoming more clearly self-aware of the areas in your life you desire increased ease & harmony in, allows you put to put your attention there and this act alone is key to Living in More Flow.

Working with you to unlock your flow is where I am most in my own. I offer an 8-week 1:1 mentoring & educational program called, "More Flow" to assist you in letting go of the rocks that hold you down so you can take steps toward more joy aka your deepest hearts desires. If you are Interested In learning more, reach out and we will set up a discovery call! 

The More Flow Program includes: 

If you are interested in exploring if this program is a good fit for you, click here to set up a discovery call. I look forward to meeting you and sharing the benefits of working with me to uncover your gifts. You will begin to creating a life you are excited to wake up to each morning.

*The curriculum for the program is below.

Outline of the 8-Week "More Flow" Program

Week 1 - Choose an Area of Focus & Vision Creation

Upon our first call, you would have completed a few assessments. These will assist us in planning out the next seven weeks of your journey. We will choose an area of focus (career, relationship, health, finance, family, personal growth, attitude, or social life). We will talk about why this area is important, what is working, what is not, and what your ideal would look like. You have to know where you are going or else anywhere will do. Based on your area of focus and deepest hearts desires, I will assist you in getting really clear with what you are wanting to create. We will then discuss creating a vision plan which you will present in week 3. We will each come up with one action item for you to implement over the next week so that you can be sure this is the area you want to make your main area of focus of the duration of the program.

Week 2 - FEAR & Limiting Beliefs 

Week two will have us looking at how the week prior went with your action items. We will chat about flexibility in flow and how fear is an illusion. We will discuss how F.E.A.R. is Focusing Energy on Alternate Realities. You will leave the call with a new action item for the next session based on how this weeks session wraps up. A cookie cutter worksheet or activity will not be effective. There are many ways to dig deep into the vision most in alignment with your soul. It will take both our intuitions to craft your next step around your vision creation process.  

Week 3 - Alignment with Your Essence

During this call, we will talk about your action item and how it played out. Also, during this call you will share your vision within the area of focus you are working on. I will then play cheerleader & devil's advocate. It is important to have someone believe in you (that is me!!) and to point out the strengths in the plan. Equally, having someone challenge your ideas in a loving supportive way (that is me too!) can help you to see blindspots others (or your subconscious) will call you out on. We will talk about the S.E.L.F. and how we are here to Seek Evolution to Live Fully and how that oscillates between the other S.E.L.F of Serving Exemplifies Loving Fully. Once we are clear on your vision plan, see your patterns in action execution based on week one and two, we will begin to formulate and execution plan for weeks four, five, six, and seven. In week four, you will present a few over arching goals for the program. You will leave with the an outline to fill in for the next week that will be broken down into four main goals over the next few weeks.

Week 4 - Present Goals and Plan to Execute on Goal One

Goals give us something to aim for. Goals are obtainable within the constraints of the time allowed. They help to carve a road and allow flow to begin to move effortlessly. You are building your own river in this life with each brick you lay. Based on your area of focus we will go over all four goals within the larger focus in your wheel of life assessment. I will challenge you to be brave and step toward courage over the next week with goal #1. We will talk about F.L.O.W. and how when we Follow Life's Opportunities Wholeheartedly, we live with more synchronicities and joy.

*Each goal will live at the edge of your comfort zone and the accompanying activity or action item will be hatched during our sessions (cultivating intuition takes practice and lives in the moment). One way to discover if goals are in alignment with our deepest hearts desires is to test them. We will use courage and your response to its request to gauge what needs to shift, if anything. You will leave the call with actions items for the next call that will assist you to meet the next goal.  

Week 5 - Goal One Review & Goal Two "FlowMotion"

We are going to chat about how the execution of goal one went. We will talk about what worked and what didn't. We will talk about what you learned and then, what is next. We will make a plan around goal two in a "FlowMotion" session where we dive deep into its purpose and what you can do over the next week to achieve the desired outcome. We will talk about how to be flexible with yourself in realtime. You will begin to see flow emerging more in your life. Aligning your essence with the goal and leaving room for how it manifests as you lay bricks is how flow is allowed to move with more ease. We will focus on the principal of L.O.V.E. (Live Open; Value Everything works when learning to increase your own flow.

Week 6 - Goal Two Review & Goal Three "FlowMotion"

We are going to chat about how the execution of goal two played out. We will talk about what worked and what didn't, what you learned, and what is next. We will make a plan around goal three in a "FlowMotion" session where we dive deep into its purpose and what you can do over the next week to achieve the desired outcome.

Week 7 - Goal Three Review & Goal Four "FlowMotion"

We are going to chat about how the execution of goal three went. We will make a plan around goal four in a "FlowStorm" session where we dive deep into its purpose and what you can do over the next week to achieve the desired outcome.

Week 8 - Goal Four Review, Program Review & Next Steps

On our final call, we will assess the last 7-weeks and set some intentions for the next week, 3-months, and 6-months which you can work toward on your own. We will construct a plan for keeping yourself accountable and flexible to this plan.

 Private Mentorship, Integration, and Flow Development

I offer one on one mentorships, flow development, and psychedelic integration outside of the program above as well. If you are interested in working with me personally on a 1:1 basis. My current rate is $150/ per session. Sessions can be done in person, via phone, or zoom and run 45-min. Sometimes one call is all you need to get into your flow. My goal is to get you to where you want to be as effectively and as quickly as possible. 

I find working with clients for longer than a six-month consecutive period of time is not necessary. Ongoing coaching can cause a dependency on the idea you "need a coach" and this is not helpful when one is cultivating self-leadership around understanding flow. 

The answers you need are already inside of you. Together we can increase your own intuition and self-leadership. My goal is to have you become your own best coach moving forward when it comes to trusting your own flow. After each session you will be more clear on what steps you can take next to improve your quality of your life today.

To book a 15-min discovery call, click here 

 My Approach to Flow Mentoring

Since 1998, within my professional nonprofit career I have gained the ability to form strong relationships with thousands of amazing humans. Every single person has something to offer this world that will make a difference. I have learned that we all want love, acceptance, meaning, and purpose. There is a genius zone inside of each of us and when that unearthed, your life flows and the world is better for it!

Sometimes we need a cheerleader to help us get through the climb. I already believe in you!

Sometimes, we can't see our own blindspots, gifts, talents, or interests. I can fill in the blanks.

Sometimes, we can feel lost in the search for meaning and purpose based on what has happened, is happening, or we fear will happen if we go after our deepest hearts desires. I can offer a new perspective.

Sometimes, we simply just do not know what logical step to take next. I can strategize like no other.

If I work with you, we quickly find out what is holding you back from your deepest hearts desires and like a prescription to improve one's physical health, I intuitively know how to offer a prescription to implement so that you can start to really experience more joy, fulfillment, or success in whatever area of your life could use some more flow.

To book a 15-min discovery call, click here 

Flow Life, Inc.  Oregon, USA., (copyright, 2021-2025)