Eva Payne
Live a Life In Flow
Welcome! I hope something here today assists you on this journey of life.
Do you feel lost, fearful, uncertain, or stuck?
Today, you can begin to change that reality.
Let's Flow...
I am thrilled to invite you into the world of flow. You can create a life you love. Through years of research and my own life's wild journey, I know we can live a life that moves with more ease and in alignment with our hopes and deepest heart’s desires. I have seen HUGE transformations in one's quality of life when they choose flow. It will require courage to get there, and probably more than you have ever given anything, but when you come out the other side, you will flow. The lens we choose to see life through determines our thoughts and emotions. Our choices are then dictated by these thoughts and emotions. We can become magical when we let our essence shine and reframe the fear. We can create a reality that taps into our genius zone.
I am a Mom to six awesome humans. I started a nonprofit summer camp for children and teens impacted by HIV or AIDS in 1998. I have a Masters in Leadership and Management and have researched "Flow" since 2015. My journey into the idea of “Living in Flow” began during a challenging time in my life's journey. For two decades I lived In "greatness" (aka in complete alignment with my mission and purpose in my genius zone). Then, as life would have it for us all, at 39 I moved through a large life transition. I found myself asking, “How did I create such a successful organization through a fulfilling career that I loved with my whole heart AND can that magical flow be recreated intentionally for anyone?”
The answer is ... Yes!
I am in awe everyday. I get to research how we can all live in more flow. This has led me to coach and mentor others on how to uncover their flow, write a few books, produce a few podcasts, and a take a leap into facilitating plant medicine work. I can see a world where we are actually designing and implementing improved systems in our communities by using our essence to fill needs in really creative and important ways. Humans, all of us, are awesome. We are full of potential and have gifts to offer someone else. Sometimes, the traumas of life hold us back. These can weigh us down and keep us out of flow. Together, we can break through the walls that keep us small, trapped, or hidden. There is a bright, gifted, rad human inside of each of us and that person is just waiting for us to say yes to the journey of finding our wholehearted self in flow.
The Flow Life Retreat is my latest love. I find my flow in figuring out more effective ways to get you to live in yours. I NEVER would have thought I would be here sharing benefits of using various healing modalities to heal and unlock your flow, but here I am! We can teach you all the tools that can give your conscious mind a break and allow your subconscious to come out of the shadows. It takes courage to really know yourself wholeheartedly and love that person. Psychedelics are just one tool to uncover, release, and grow. It is from a place of wholehearted living that we create a life lived in flow.
I hope to have the opportunity to meet you, or at the very least be a resource for you to find your flow.
Eva Payne
Insta: @MsEvaPayne
Schedule a Discovery Call to More Flow
My Philosophies are Rooted in a Reframing of the Words L.O.V.E., S.E.L.F., F.E.A.R., & F.L.O.W.
LOVE = Live Open; Value Everything
FLOW = Following Life's Opportunities Wholeheartedly
SELF = Seeking Evolution to Live Fully, which flows toward: Serving Exemplifies Loving Fully
FEAR = Focusing Energy on Alternate Realities
Love what was.
Flow with what is.
Strive for what can be.
Learn more about the Flow Life Retreat!
Unearth Your Rhythm
We can unlock our flow with the help of nature
Learn more at www.FlowLifeRetreat.com
"The Flow Life Funnel"
Listen to the Preface on YouTube!
Discover Your Flow
Available Now On AMAZON.COM
Ever wonder what the purpose of your life is or how you can experience it with more meaning? Do you feel as though something is missing and desire an improved quality of life? How do we organize ourselves, our work, and our lives to better cultivate what people need to survive and thrive each day? “The Flow Life Funnel” is a guide, a roadmap, to design a life in alignment with who you have always been and who you deeply desire to become. You can wake up everyday in love with what you are creating and who you are creating it with. Generating a meaningful life is possible when combining the eight layers of the Flow Life Funnel so you can move courageously toward your deepest heart’s desires.
Grateful for These Interviews
Where I Was Able to Share About Flow...
Where I Was Able to Share About Flow...
Martha and Colby Grow Up
How To Get Anything You Want In Life
A lesson in following life’s opportunities by just going for it, with Eva Payne.
Building Psychological Strength
Live Open; Value Everything
This week, you’re going to meet a woman who went on an intentional quest to find FLOW, and now she’s sharing what she learned with the world in her new book.
A Cup of Clarity
Finding Your FLOW in Life With Eva Payne
Dig into a few of the 8 principles in Eva's book to outwardly live what you inwardly desire.
Elena Danaan
Conversation with Eva Payne
Conversation with an amazing woman I met! EVA PAYNE is an Author, Podcast Host, Mother, Non-profit Founder and a Teacher.
“Joining Eva has been wonderfully transformative for me. To deeply connect with a person who shares in your passion to help others truly connect to the peaceful flow of the universe has been nothing short of blissful. Her dedication to using her intuitive, loving talents knows no bounds. Her leadership has helped so many people and she will continue to inspire and ignite others through her work. I love her like a sister and once you meet her you will, too.” – Laura T., Omaha, NE
“I was contacted by a dear friend from my high school days about a group she was starting to help empower women through the strength of other women. I was in a difficult place in my life and although this was a difficult concept to grasp for me especially being a very independent woman, I decided to give this group a try, maybe more as a way to reconnect with a dear friend from my childhood. It wasn’t long into our group calls that I realized how powerful this concept and well led group would be. A group of women, from all different walks of life, all different stages of life, all different experiences in life came together and was able to lift each other up, give strength when needed and love all the time. We explored concepts of how to perceive experiences differently, how to live life to the fullest and how to create happiness for ourselves even in dark moments. I have made leaps and bounds on my personal journey because of the love, support and skills brought to me by these women and especially from the creator of the group and my dear friend, Eva! My inner skeptic and critic was certainly hushed!” – Rachel G., Minnesota
Flow Life, Inc. Oregon, USA. AColorFlowLife@gmail.com, (copyright, 2021 - 2025)